A Product by:
Benefits of TRICO® Garden



  • TRICO® Garden repels deer by smell



  • The natural active ingredient, sheep fat, keeps deer away from treated plant material


Reduces damage

  • Applied to vulnerable parts of ornamental plants, shrubs and trees it will reduce damage cased by deer browsing
TRICO® Garden download area:
TRICO® Garden: leaflet

Take a look at the TRICO® Garden leaflet to learn more.

Open: TRICO® Garden leafleture
TRICO® Garden: Label 500ml

Take a look at the TRICO® Garden label 500ml to learn more.

Open: TRICO® Garden label 500ml
TRICO® Garden in action:

TRICO® Garden is a scent repellent that prevents damage caused by deer that feed on outdoor ornamental plants, including flowers, shrubs and trees. Applying TRICO® Garden to the parts of the plant to be protected ensures undisturbed growth. TRICO® Garden provides effective control for up to 28 days, depending on deer pressure and the time of year.

In Europe, foresters have long used sheep wool as a repellent against deer. However, tying wool to the trees was time consuming and the protection was short lived. At Kwizda Agro we sought to overcome these issues and the idea of using ‘sheep fat’ as an alternative was born. Through our expertise in developing innovative formulations Kwizda Agro took ‘sheep fat’, the active ingredient in TRICO® Garden and created an effective deer repellent.

Thank you for your interest in our unique deer repellent!

For further information and questions about TRICO® Garden,  please contact Gary Jobling by sending him an email.

Please find his contact details below.

Contact us
Universitätsring 6, 1010
Wien, AT

Do you have any questions? We would love to hear from you.