Allows rapid treatment of large areas offering long-lasting protection
TRICO® is the universal product that is effective against summer and winter deer browsing as well as debarking and rubbing.
Our TRICO® products offer long-lasting protection and excellent rainfastness. Trusted by users for its efficient and cost-effective application, the double mode of action provides protection in a range of plants from forestry to vineyards, orchards and field crops.
TRICO® prevents deer browsing, debarking and rubbing::
- on a natural basis
- with long-lasting protection
- with high rain resistance
- as an easy to use spray application
- with optimum plant tolerance

The biggest challenge in reforestation is to protect the new trees from the start; especially from wildlife damage. Hunting is a successful solution here, but not the only one. Kwizda Agro has developed TRICO®: a highly effective and efficient deer deterrent against deer browsing, debarking and rubbing.

TRICO® is a highly effective deer repellent that has been proven effective in over 70 field trials and 20 years of use by satisfied customers. TRICO® is approved for use against both summer and winter deer browsing, as well as debarking and rubbing damage. TRICO® is the gold standard in professional, modern forest management..
Our clients appreciate the practical, quick-to-use and cost-effective application as well as the efficient and rapid work progress.

TRICO® and Kwizda Agro were featured in the February issue of top agrar 2023. In the article a team of journalists followed forest manager Toni Streif as he applied TRICO® to his trees to prevent deer browsing. Toni Streif has been using TRICO® for several years as part of his forestry growth management. According to him, TRICO® is the product of choice for browsing protection as it is easy to use, weather resistant and provides excellent protection for at least six months from a single application.

Innovation meets Tradition
- Hunters and foresters have long used sheep wool as a repellent against red and roe deer. However, its application is labour intensive, time consuming and the protection is short lived.
- Seeking to overcome these issues Kwizda Agro sought a natural alternative and the idea of using ‘sheep fat’ as an active ingredient was born.
- Through our expertise and experience in developing highly effective and innovative formulations Kwizda Agro took ‘sheep fat’, the natural active ingredient in TRICO® and created a powerful and effective deer repellent.
Are you curious? Why not get in touch with us!
We look forward to working with you! For further information regarding a possible cooperation in the distribution of our products as well as for more information about TRICO® , please contact Thomas Rogy, Sales Manager Repellents of Kwizda Agro GmbH.
Our global network of distribution partners provides you with direct access to TRICO®. An overview of our distribution partners is listed here, along with the contact information for placing a direct order of TRICO® in your country.